We appreciate your interest in Cost Recovery Corp (CRC), National Leader in recovering costs for Safety Services. Our website provides you with many avenues of information and factual data to help you determine if our services may be of assistance to you and your community.

Our Company works with Police and Fire Services assisting in offsetting costs associated with traffic crash responses, structure fires, Hazmat events, water rescue, false alarms etc. Our mission is to recover these costs from insurance and recycle the funds back into Public Safety budgets. Ultimately this will keep our safety service departments intact, citizens safe and minimize insurance liability costs.

We have made hundreds of educational presentations to city councils, council workshops, and public hearings all over the United States. Our presentations are designed to inform the public, city leaders, and insurance executives on how to appropriately implement our integrity-based, professional billing program. CRC provides our Clients with consistent results. We are proud to be viewed as National Leaders in helping Safety Services recover costs.

We are determined to lead the way and maintain stringent policies in billing ONLY the AT-FAULT party and their insurance, evaluating actual Police and Fire Department’s REAL costs associated with doing business and billing for their services accordingly, and keeping Clients informed of Legislative maneuvers happening state by state and how those events affect their individual communities directly.

Our continued willingness to educate and advocate for Safety Services has opened up doors that don’t necessarily bring new clients directly to us but that we find very important as part of what defines us both as a company and as individuals.